Level 2 Effects

What are the General Effects you experience when you engage in your Desire Obtainment Process?

I know the Processes that return the highest degree of Joy for me. I know how to differentiate between the General and Specific Effects I experience and am able to be guided in my Desire Obtainment Process by them.

I don’t know which Specific Processes return the highest degree of Joy for me. I am torn between all the Specific Causes who are trying to influence me. I value my relationships with all of them. My Effect Sensors are scattered. I’m not able to tell which ones are in alignment with my General Cause and which ones are conflicting.

I'm not able to sense the General Effects of Joy. I don’t value any Specific Cause's acceptance or correction. My Effect Sensors are numbed. I don’t know how to be guided in my Desire Obtainment Process.