Definition of Level 2

General vs. Specific Desires

Synonyms for General
Across the board

Short Definition for General
Affecting or concerning all or most people, places, or things
Occurring, found, or done often
Widely or constantly encountered
Limitless or endless in space, extent, or size
Impossible to measure or calculate
Very great in amount or degree
Greater than any assignable quantity or countable number
Of, affecting, or done by all people or things in the world or in a particular group
Applicable to all cases
Taking everything into account
Representative as a standard
Characteristic of most people
Often encountered or experienced
Similar to others
Important or unchanging
Forming the central part of a larger body
Central and most important
Forming the basis for activity and growth
In the middle
Equidistant from every point – all sides or ends
Of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else
Fixed on or as if on a pivot

Summarized Definition for General
The most General Desire is a goal that most people have in common because it is a core need we all have that takes priority over others we may have. Everything else we may desire can be traced back to meeting this need. It is the foundational motivation behind everything we do, therefore it is our number one priority. It can’t be substituted or sacrificed. 

The most General Cause is an exemplar, teacher, provider, and evaluator that most people have in common because he has obtained the highest degree of Sustainable Compatibility and Joy and is able to exemplify it, teach us the Process to obtain it ourselves, use it to provide for us in our journey, and evaluate our Process to enable us to know if we’re on the right track or not. Every other person that can help us obtain this Desire is connected with him to some degree. Our relationship with our General Cause provides the foundational motivation and means to develop Compatible Relationships, therefore it is our number one priority. This relationship should not be substituted or sacrificed for any other.

The most General Process to develop a Compatible Relationship is to choose a Cause who has already successfully developed this kind of relationship and pattern your own Process after his. We make this Cause and his counsel our number one priority. We sacrifice all other Conflicting Desires, Causes, and Processes for this one. This Process is basically Faith and Sacrifice.

The most General Effects we experience are Joy and Sorrow.

The most General Results we obtain are Sustainable Joy or Perpetual Sorrow.

Synonyms for Specific
Base on
Subject to

Short Definition for Specific
Clearly defined or identified
Affecting or concerning an individual person
Occurring, found, or done rarely
Occasionally or infrequently encountered
Having limits or boundaries in space, extent, or size
Possible to measure or calculate
Very small in amount or degree
Having an assignable quantity or countable number
Of, affecting, or done by a certain individual or thing in the world or in a particular group
Applicable to very few cases
Taking an individual person or event into account
Representative as distinctive, special, uncommon, unique
Characteristic of an individual person
Very rarely encountered or experienced
Different from others
Can be substituted or changed
Forming the appendages of a larger body
Dependent upon what is central and most important
Stemming from the basis
Nested within the overall 
Surrounding the middle
Every point – all sides or ends – that are determined by a central point
Determined by what is of crucial importance 
Subject to a pivotal point

Summarized Definition for Specific
Specific Desires are goals that individuals have that they don’t necessarily have in common with others. They are usually attached to our core need. We see them as the means to obtain our General Desire. We believe that we obtain these Specific Desires we will obtain a greater degree of our General. This may or may not be the case. We usually have to experiment on attempting to obtain a Specific Desire to know if it really does enable us to obtain a greater degree of our General. Therefore, Specific Desires can be substituted, changed, exchanged, and sacrificed.

Specific Causes are exemplars, teachers, providers, and evaluators that have obtained a degree of Compatibility and Joy in a Specific Relationship. They are connected with our General Cause, exemplifying a degree of his Results. This may not be the same degree that we personally desire to obtain. Thus we need to research, form hypotheses on which Specific Cause would be best for us to follow, and then experiment on their prescribed Process, assessing our Effects. If the Effects we experience sustain our sacrifice Process, then we can trust the Specific Cause to continue guiding us. If they don’t, then we need to seek out a different level Cause. Therefore, Specific Causes can and should be substituted, changed, exchanged, and sacrificed based on their proximity to our General Cause and our desired degree of Effects.




Diagram for General vs. Specific Desires
In the diagram, our General Desire is represented by the large yellow circle. Our more Specific Desires are represented by the blue dots nested within it.

Diagram for General vs. Specific Causes
In the diagram, our General Cause is represented by the large yellow area that looks kind of like an ice cream cone. Our more Specific Causes are represented by the blue dots nested within it.

Diagram for General vs. Specific Processes

Diagram for General vs. Specific Effects 

Diagram for General vs. Specific Results 

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