Assisting adults who have been abused or neglected as children to develop relationship skills through the atonement of Jesus Christ in order to develop Compatible Relationships and Sustainable Joy.
Think of a Desire you have successfully obtained in the past. Who was your Cause in this journey?
Who was your exemplar? Who was your role model? Who showed you that you could indeed obtain this Desire? Who raised you? Who educated you? Who represented what was right? Who modeled the rules for marriage, family, and community relationships? Out of all your Causes (i.e., your biological parents, adoptive parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, neighbors, and others in your community) after which ones did you pattern your way of interacting in relationships? Which of your religious or community leaders had the type of relationship you admired? What fiction and nonfiction books did you read that discussed or exemplified compatible marriage, family, and community relationships? What TV or internet presentations did you look to as a standard? Which sources were helpful? Which ones were not so helpful? Which of your Causes were exemplary? Which ones did you learn what not to do from their mistakes? Did you hope to develop a relationship just like your parents or did you commit with every fiber of your being to not repeat what they did? Who did you unconsciously look to for a standard? Were they the best example of a Compatible Relationship? Who did you consciously choose to look to as your standard for how one should interact and communicate in families and community relationships?