Assisting adults who have been abused or neglected as children to develop relationship skills through the atonement of Jesus Christ in order to develop Compatible Relationships and Sustainable Joy.
Is what you’re doing to obtain a greater degree of compatibility in your relationship in agreement with what your Specific Person is doing? Are you on the same pathway on your journey? Are you both implementing the same guidance in your day to day lives? Are you both playing by the same game rules in your thoughts, communications, and actions? Are you both experimenting on the same Process that your Cause has advocated? Are you both unconsciously engaged in a similar Process to obtain your Desire?
Is what you’re doing to obtain a greater degree of compatibility in your relationship incompatible with what your Specific Person is doing? Are you headed up diverging pathways on your journey? Are you implementing your Cause’s guidance while your Specific Person is implementing a Conflicting Cause’s guidance? Are you playing by opposing sets of rules in your thoughts, communications, and actions? Are you experimenting on one Process that your Cause has advocated while your Specific Person is experimenting on one that conflicts with it? Are you both unconsciously engaged in discordant Processes to obtain your Desires?
I have written my answer to this question in my Notebook and am ready to move on to the Next Question. Select Level 3 Effect from the menu to the right (top - third). Return to the previous question. Select Level 3 Cause from the menu to the right.