Level 6: Commitment

Mercy is the Threshold between Justice and Time. This is the Zone, the Safe Place, the Forcefield, and the projected goal of the family unit. Within this Threshold is Paradoxical Living--the life of Sacrificing in the name of Jesus Christ. When we give up our lives to serve God, our Specific Causes, and our Children, we receive the Savior’s life as well as the lives of others who voluntarily sacrifice for us.

Threshold vs. Extreme Desires
Our Specific Desires can be within the Threshold of Mercy or they can be outside of it. Threshold Desires are motivated by Humility and Confidence. Extreme Desires that are outside of the Threshold of Mercy are motivated by Pride and Envy.

When a Specific Desire is motivated by Envy, we Desire too much Time and not enough Justice. When it is motivated by Pride, we Desire too much Justice and not enough Time.  Pride Desires are ascetic Desires. We desire to obtain the glory of the world. 

Envy Desires are Natural Man Desires. We desire to obtain the substances of the world--harlots, riches, fine clothes, drugs, etc. 

When we seek to obtain our Desires in Pride, we have to rely on Envy Desires for our support. This is a Pseudo-type Balance between Pride and Envy.

When a Specific Desire is inside the Threshold of Mercy it is a Threshold Desire. We Desire Time and Space in order to meet the demands of Justice. We are required to sacrifice within the NW Threshold. These kinds of sacrifices build our physical strength and our Faith—our spiritual strength. We sacrifice with a purpose—to help others or to draw closer to our General Cause. We don’t think up random chaotic ways to suffer that have no Sustainable Result. To increase our Strength and improve our relationship with our Cause is a NW Threshold Desire.

We also have NE Threshold Desires. We are required to rest from our labors for a time and receive the word of God. This is a training period. We serve him by taking time out from sacrificing to listen to his instructions and teachings. It is a preparatory time. We don’t desire to remain idle. We are fueling up for the time when we need to sacrifice in our NW Threshold. To increase our Strength and improve our relationship with our Cause is a NW Threshold Desire.

Physically we can sacrifice by fasting within our NW Threshold, while Spiritually we stay in our NE Threshold for Training. This enables us to feel Balanced and increases the sustainability of our Process.

There are two spindles in the compass. One is the Physical and the other is the Spiritual. Yet the Spiritual Spindle is shorter and cannot be accessed if we only pay attention to and feed the longer Physical Spindle. This represents our Sensitivity to General Spiritual Effects. The reason there has to be two sets of spindles is that sometimes we use the Physical in the NW Threshold, while the Spiritual strives to maintain Balance in the North. That’s how we strengthen our Faith. So even while our Physical Adversity is high, we maintain our Faith in Balance that our General Cause will not let us suffer beyond what will strengthen us.

The following videos were made a few years ago while I was still figuring out the Servant structure. I have since switched the concepts in Level 5 with the concepts in Level 6. I have also changed the terminology. First = Extreme NE Desires. Last = Threshold Desires. When I made these videos I wasn't yet seeing Extreme NW Desires--Extreme Asceticism. The concepts are the same. I just use different words to describe them and was describing them in a different order. I have found that it is difficult for me to separate Days 5 and 6. They often merge in my mind.

Threshold vs. Extreme Causes
Extreme Causes force or tempt us to sacrifice outside of the Threshold. They use the Glory of the World and the Substances of the World to motivate us. Our General Extreme Cause is Satan. When he tempts us to deviate outside of the Threshold, he can then exercise force over us so that we no longer have a choice to sacrifice within the Threshold.

A NW Extreme Cause uses force to motivate us. This is Slavery. He wants us to sacrifice in Survival of the Fittest mode, taking advantage of all those who are weaker than we are, as we have been taken advantage of by him. Those who have the greatest strength receive the Glory of the World.

A NE Extreme Cause uses temptation to motivate us. He wants to weaken our ability to sacrifice. When we don’t sacrifice enough, our faith atrophies. Physically the muscles in our body atrophy when we don’t use them to work to obtain our Desires. This Cause tempts us to chase after Desires that are too easy for us to obtain. We meet our needs with these Pseudo Desires and are temporarily satiated. When that wears off, we seek it again. This prevents us from being challenged. If we are not challenged, we do not maintain our strength or grow.

Extreme Causes usually use both Force and Temptation in order to entrap us for good. To sacrifice beyond our NW Threshold is sorrowful. We wouldn’t stay there for long if it weren’t for the temptations of the world—its Glory and its Substances. And I think the Glory of the World is actually a NE Desire also. That’s because it is a Temptation. I’m not sure what a NW Desire is. Maybe it is Pride. But I see that as the same thing as the Glory of the World. But Pride is a self-sufficient attitude. We think we are greater than others. We are above them and maybe even above God. We seek for Strength, not in faith, but Physical Strength and a Spiritual hardened heart—things can’t touch us.

Threshold Causes challenge and support us while we sacrifice within the Threshold. They use the Glory of God and our Threshold Desires to motivate us. The Glory of God is to sacrifice in Christ to become more like him, so that we can become Threshold Causes for others. Our Threshold Desire is Sustainable Joy in our General and Specific relationships. It is not required for all of us to reside in the exact Balance of the Threshold, where Christ and our Father in Heaven reside. We are only required to find our desired residence within the Threshold. When we reside there, we are able to help others who also Desire that intensity level of Sacrifice and Joy. Threshold Causes are there to help us identify our desired residence within the Threshold. 

Our General Threshold Cause that resides in the exact Balance is Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God reside at different increments within the Threshold.

A more Balanced Threshold Cause seeks to motivate us through Confidence. He wants to challenge us to grow in strength and then stand steadfast in it. Not to take advantage of others but to help them in their Desire Obtainment Journeys. We stand Confident in Christ, which is different than hardening our hearts. We do not bend or move for Extreme Causes. We ignore their influence and continue to Process in the level of Balance our General Cause is directing us to stand in.

A less Balanced Threshold Cause seeks to motivate us through Humility. He wants to empathize with us and teach us to empathize with others. He gives us Time to change. He is patient and supports us through our Adversity. He warns us not to yield to Temptation. He doesn’t do this so we will take advantage of him and his Mercy.  He does it to give us time to grow—to travel to the position in the Balance we need to stand in. If we have come to that position, a Threshold Cause at that level stays with us and establishes a permanent relationship with us so that we both have Sustainable 

Extreme and Threshold Processes
A Specific Desire varies in its intensity. We vary in our capacity to sacrifice. We can strengthen our ability to sacrifice within the Threshold. A Specific Desire may require us to sacrifice at an intensity level that pushes us into our Extreme NW or NE but it may not push someone else like that. Because we’re all different, we have to pay attention to our General Effects to identify our Desires and to develop our capacity to sacrifice line upon line. 

Extreme Desire Obtainment Processes
Extreme Desire Obtainment Processes are Imbalanced to the NW or to the NE.
A NW Extreme DOP is when we sacrifice too much for how little we have received. It is running faster than we have strength.

A NE Extreme DOP is when we sacrifice too little for how much we have received. It’s running slower than we have strength.

Threshold Desire Obtainment Processes
Within the Threshold we are Imbalanced to the NW and to the NE interchangeably in order to learn, change, and grow. It is the space for our agency to be used. We can make mistakes in here. We can experiment and test out lower or higher level Processes to see what works best for us.

A NW Threshold DOP is when we sacrifice more than what we have received. It is pushing ourselves beyond our comfort zone, but not too far or for too long.

A NE Threshold DOP is when we sacrifice less than what we have received. It is allowing ourselves to rest, catch our breath, and regroup. We don’t go too far or too long in this Process. 

Physical/Spiritual Threshold Desire Obtainment Processes
When we Sacrifice within our NW Threshold Physically, we expend more energy than what we’re eating. We exercise or work hard to accomplish a task. Or we fast from food and/or other Mercies for a time in order to grow to a higher Balanced level within the Threshold. When we fast from things that were once given to us in Mercy, we become more dependent on Spiritual Effects. We must be nourished Spiritually if we fast from Physical foods and substances that previously nourished us Spiritually. When we receive food, gifts, financial support, touch or other forms of Physical Effects that help us know we are loved, accepted, and approved of we are also filled Spiritually. When we fast from receiving our Spiritual Effects in this way, our Effect Sensors increase in their sensitivity to the General Spiritual Effects from God.

When we Physically sacrifice for others without expecting any payment in return, it leaves a space for our General Cause to reward us Spiritually and Physically. He increases the blessings he gives us so that we can provide for others in his name in our given position within the Threshold.

When we sacrifice being with the Specific Physical Causes who also support us Spiritually in order to go out and serve others, who we are not so comfortable with, we develop our Effect Sensors to our General Spiritual Cause who can support us Spiritually wherever we go. We develop our faith in him and our Confidence in his DOP even when Specific Causes give us Conflicting Effects. Being away from Specific Causes who support us Spiritually enables us to develop strength to stand steadfast in the face of Conflicting Causes.

So this is why Physical life—mortality—is so important. We have the ability to Physically Sacrifice, which grows our Faith in Christ.

Extreme vs. Threshold Effects
Extreme Causes have Extreme Effects. When we engage in Extreme DOPs, we are confirmed by them. Their NW Extreme Effects are Force. They force us to do what they want us to do. They do this through their words, tone of voice, and actions. They may threaten us with their words or actions. Causes who are stronger Physically and have Spiritual hardened hearts take advantage of those who are weaker and who have softened hearts. Our hearts are our Effect Sensors. Numbed Effect Sensors are hardened hearts. They can’t feel their General Effects so they don’t feel our General Threshold Cause's warnings when they deviate from His prescribed DOP. These Specific Causes are Conflicting Causes. 

Just because we keep our Effect Sensors sensitive to our General Cause’s Spiritual Effects, doesn’t mean we have to allow ourselves to be influenced by Specific Extreme Physical Causes. If we do that, we allow our Effect Sensors to be scattered. Disordered, confused. This is the condition in which we want to please everyone. That’s an impossible task. If we attempt to do this, we will become weaker, not stronger. We may attempt to do this to avoid the Conflict that Conflicting Effects present to us. We think loving everyone is allowing them to be a Cause for us. We think loving them is judging them to be righteous and not acknowledging their Extreme DOPs. And we think we are Imbalanced when we see they are engaging in Extreme or lower Threshold DOPs. 

NE Extreme Effects are Temptation. These Causes know they have no power to force us if we are within the Threshold because we are protected by Threshold Causes, especially our General one. They want to tempt us outside of the Threshold where they will have the power to force us into their DOPs. They take note of when we are weak, when adversity is greatest within our NW Threshold and then tempt us with their Extreme NE Effects. Conversely they take note of when we are bored to tears in our NE Threshold and tempt us with their Extreme NW DOPs.

Threshold Effects
When we are Processing in Balance we experience the General Effects Peace and Energy. This is Joy. We are sacrificing in Balance with what we have received. Our Rate of Progression is Balanced.

When we Process within our NW Threshold, we are sacrificing at a more intense level and so experience an increase of stress and hunger. Our Rate of Progression is faster.

When we Process within our NE Threshold, we are sacrificing at a less intense level and so experience an increase fullness and restlessness. Our Rate of Progression is slower. Because this is happening within our Threshold, we are being filled, trained, and prepared. We have a feeling of wanting to get a move on, go out and use what we have learned or obtained to sacrifice for others.

Threshold Effects are Balanced Justice and Time Effects. When Adversity hits us, our Threshold Causes cushion us against its Extreme Effects with their NE Threshold Effects (Time-Mercy). Their goal is to help us stay within our NW Threshold and not be pushed out into the Extremes. When we have a lack of Adversity our Threshold Causes increase the challenge in our lives with their NW Effects (Justice-Mercy). For example, we may be imprisoned,  underemployed, benched, or confined in some way so that we can’t sacrifice to the level that brings us Joy. Threshold Causes will be with us during these times to enable us to see that this is a sacrifice in and of itself and if we bear it well with faith in Christ, our faith will be strengthened. They will give us opportunities that enable us to continue sacrificing in Spiritual ways.

Spiritual/Physical Extreme vs. Threshold Effects
Jesus Christ had to experience the most Extreme NW Physical Effects while keeping his DOP completely Balanced within the Threshold. His Faith in his Father had to be perfect even while all the Physical Effects from Specific Extreme Causes in this world warred against him. These Physical Effects seemed to indicate that he was a complete failure. They described him as a sinner. They warned him and censured him to make him think that he was deviating from the Balance. But it was their Conflicting DOPs he was deviating from. He had to know his Father’s DOP so well that even when he received no confirming Effects from him, he still remained Steadfast in his Process. Pure Justice.

We also have Physical Adversity we are called to walk through that cause us to fear because of Conflicting Physical Effects. When we begin to fear, we can’t sense the confirming Effects of our General Spiritual Cause. When our Physical life conditions appear to be warning us that we are complete failures, we are required to remain steadfast in our General Cause’s DOP. We need to know it that well.

Threshold vs. Extreme Results
When we choose Extreme Desires, Causes, DOPs, and allow ourselves to be motivated and supported by Extreme Effects, we obtain Extreme Results. These Results are Paradoxical. We may obtain the Glory of the World and its Substances all our days, but in the Paradoxical Result, we fail. When we do not fulfill our responsibilities to God and others, we are not successful in the Kingdom of God. We do not build the relationships with Specific Causes and Children that will bring us Sustainable Joy in the end. Instead we sacrificed these relationships for Extreme Effects. We threw others into the fire instead of taking the heat in Christ ourselves. We forced them to be the ones to sacrifice for us, while we took easy street. And when we have spent so much time indulging in NE Processes and Effects, our ability to sacrifice atrophies. We become weak and more dependent upon other people sacrificing for us. Eventually Physical Justice overcomes us. We are so weak, we can’t even handle lower level Threshold Adversity. Our Effect Sensors are so numbed or scattered that no Effects can Satisfy us. We prevent ourselves from obtaining Sustainable Joy.

Scattered Effect Sensors are the Result of putting our trust in Conflicting Extreme Causes for too long. We’re given Time and Space to try out various Causes and figure out who we are going to trust. It’s normal to listen to a number of Causes who are trying to influence us during our Time DOP. But this Time comes to an end. We need to have our final decision about who we are going to listen to as our purpose. If we can’t decide between these Causes and continue allowing all of them to guide us, we will attempt to please all of them in our DOP. That is impossible. It will end us with Scattered Effect Sensors. In this state we can never be satisfied even though our General Cause may be confirming us with his Joy.

Numbed Effect Sensors are the Result of receiving the NE Extreme Effects from Conflicting Causes for too long. We are given Time and Space to be nourished by lower level Causes. At this time, some of these Effects may be Merciful to us. But our goal is to get back on our feet and be Sustained by the higher level Spiritual Effects of our General and Specific Causes. We don’t want to develop dependencies on lower level Causes or their substances when our Desire is to increase our Faith while in this Threshold. We want to use this time in the Threshold to achieve the place that returns a satisfying degree of Sustainable Joy. So when we consistently turn to NE Extreme Effects when the going gets tough, we numb our Effect Sensors to our General Effects. Adversity is an Effect of Justice that is meant to motivate us to learn and grow. It is meant to assist us in our Desire to increase our Faith and our Physical Strength. If we turn to NE Extreme Effects to shield ourselves from even NW Threshold Adversity, then our Effect Sensors will become numb and our ability to sacrifice will atrophy.

When we choose Threshold Desires, Causes, Processes and remain allegiant to their Threshold Effects, we obtain Threshold Results. These Results are also Paradoxical. We may lose the Glory of the World and its Substances, but in the Paradoxical Result, we succeed. When we fulfill our responsibilities to God and our Children, we are successful in the Kingdom of God. We build relationships with our Causes and Children that return Sustainable Joy in the end. We sacrificed the Glory of the World and its pleasures for these relationships. Instead of throwing others into the fire to escape Adversity, we took the Threshold heat ourselves. We stood to sacrifice for others in order to not force them to sacrifice for us. We allowed them to voluntarily sacrifice. Our ability to sacrifice was strengthened. We also allowed their sacrifice ability to strengthen. Our Desire for the Glory of the World and its Substances weakened over time so we could not be tempted. Our ability to handle more intense levels of Adversity increased. Adversity that would have pushed us outside our NW Threshold before is now within our NW Threshold. We have become strong so that we can support more people within the Threshold. Within the Threshold, Justice is are ally. Our Effect Sensors have become sensitive to our General Cause’s Effects of Joy. We are completely satisfied with the level of Sustainable Joy we experience.

Sensitive Effect Sensors are the Result of continuously putting our trust in our General Cause and the Specific Causes that are Balanced with him within the Threshold for us. When we were given Time and Space to try out various Causes, we tested them out and made our choices. We have made our final decision. We have boundaries against lower levels of Specific Causes even within the Threshold. We acknowledge that we are their Cause and must allow them Mercy given their position in the Threshold. We only attempt to please our chosen Cause. We have no interest in pleasing Conflicting Causes. We don’t want to end with Scattered Effect Sensors. We will not receive the Spiritual and Physical Peace of Extreme Causes. We will not rely on them for our nourishment.  In this state we achieve satisfaction in our General Cause’s Joy. We cut ourselves off from Conflicting Causes. We establish boundaries against them. We establish boundaries by making an active choice not to listen to them. We come to a place where we say even though these Extreme Causes’ philosophies and provisions are mingled with truth and sustenance, I’m not going to receive any of them. I will receive my instructions and sustenance from God and no one else.

We will not sacrifice for the Glory of the World, neither will we sustain ourselves with NE Extreme Effects. We only sacrifice for the Glory of God while allowing ourselves to be sustained by Mercy Effects at our given level within the Threshold.

The closer we are to the Balance, the more we are required to rely on our General Cause for our Mercy Effects and the less we rely on the Mercy of lower level Threshold Causes. Those below us are completely Balanced when they rely on their level of Mercy Effects. But we would not be if we relied upon them.

General Mercy Effects are Sustainable Joy. At the highest levels within the Threshold, we are supported Spiritually through the presence of Jesus Christ. 
He also supports us Physically within the Threshold through miraculous means until we have finished our work on the earth.

Physical vs. Spiritual Extreme vs. Threshold Results
We may engage in the most Balanced Physical Process to obtain Sustainable Health but because of the Imbalanced conditions of our Body, the Earth, and the choices of others even within the Threshold, we do not obtain this Result. Our General Cause uses death as a means to an end. When we hold out our faith in Jesus Christ regardless of our impending Physical death, our faith grows immensely. 

Our General Cause covenants to protect our Physical Health within the Threshold until we fulfill the Inherent DOP for our General and Specific Desires. That doesn’t mean we won’t experience physical pain and numbness. We will but it will only give us a greater opportunity to develop our Spiritual strength—Faith in Christ. The greater the degree of our Faith in Christ, the more Sustainable our Joy.

When Extreme Causes choose to continuously abuse or neglect us, even to the point of our death when they have been given sufficient Time and General and Specific Warning Effects to repent, they obtain Paradoxical Justice Results. Our General Cause allows them to also suffer or die. Without our General Cause’s protection within the Threshold, a Specific Cause is forced to live outside of it in increasingly Extreme DOPs. Adversity intensifies and they no longer have the protection of Mercy. This is meant to motivate them to repent. If they continue to fight against God by turning to Extreme NE Effects to shield themselves, then they will eventually die both Physically and Spiritually. Dying spiritually is numbing or scattering our Effect Sensors so that we can’t sense our General Cause’s Effects—both the Joy and the Merciful Warning Effects--which help us feel sorrow at our separation from him.