Level 3: Balanced vs. Imbalanced Desires

Balanced vs. Imbalanced Desires
Our Specific Desires can be Balanced or Imbalanced with our General. When they are Balanced we obtain our Specific Desire and Sustainable Joy in the Result. Our Specific Results are also Sustainable. When we first identify a Specific Desire, we are forming a hypothesis that when we obtain this Desire we will also obtain Sustainable Joy.

When our Specific Desires are Imbalanced with our General, we may temporarily obtain our Specific Desire but at the expense of Sustainable Joy and the sustainability of our Specific Results. In the Result we are left in Chronic Conflict. 

We can visualize this relationship using a compass. If Joy is in the North, then our Specific Desire needs to be there too. When our Specific Desire is Imbalanced, it can be Imbalanced to the Northwest or to the Northeast. Balanced and Imbalanced Desires are defined by their Processes and Effects.

Balanced vs. Imbalanced Causes
Our Specific Cause can be Balanced or Imbalanced with our General. When he is Balanced with God, he assists us in obtaining our Specific Desire as well as Sustainable Joy. When he is Imbalanced with God, he may help us obtain our Specific Desire temporarily at the expense of Sustainable Joy.

When our Specific Cause is Imbalanced, he can be Imbalanced to the Northwest or to the Northeast. Balanced and Imbalanced Causes are defined by their Processes and Effects.

Balanced vs. Imbalanced Processes
When we love our Cause, we have Faith in him that he will provide for us and guide us according to our needs throughout our Desire Obtainment Process (DOP). When the going gets tough we don't deviate to Conflicting Causes. We remain allegiant to our Cause, his training Process, and his evaluations. 

When we love our Children, we Sacrifice for them. We provide for them and guide them according to their needs throughout their DOP. When the going gets tough in our relationship with them we don't neglect or abuse them. We remain allegiant to them by giving them time to work out their Conflicts throughout their training Process.

A Balanced DOP is when our level of Faith is Balanced with our Sacrifice Process. Faith and Sacrifice are like a muscle. A muscle can be trained over time but we have a present capacity to lift weight, work, or run. When we engage in a Balanced DOP, we are lifting, working, or running within our present capacity.

Northwest Imbalanced Desires and Causes will require us to Sacrifice too much for how little Faith we presently have. We have to run faster than we have strength to keep up with these Causes. The Desire is beyond our present capacity to obtain.
Northeast Imbalanced Desires and Causes won't require us to Sacrifice enough for how much Faith we have. We run slower than we have strength or inadvertantly pass these Causes up. The Desire is below our present capacity to obtain.

When we have Faith in our General Cause, we trust that he will help us identify Specific Desires that are Balanced with our present Faith/Sacrifice capacity that will bring us Sustainable Joy in the journey as well as in the Result. We listen to him in regards to identifying Specific Causes that are Balanced with him.

Balanced vs. Imbalanced Effects
When our Specific Desire Obtainment Process is Balanced with our General, we experience Balanced Peace and Energy. When we receive our Cause's sacrifice or trust that he will provide for us, we experience Peace. When we sacrifice for a Child who is putting her trust in us we experience a flow of Energy. When we Balance our Faith and Sacrifice Process in this way, the Peace and Energy together create the feeling of Joy in our heart. This feeling signifies that our rate of progression toward the obtainment of our Desire is just right. We remain motivated to keep going.

When our Specific Process is Imbalanced to the Northwest of our General, we experience too little Peace and too much Energy. Instead of Peace, we feel hunger. Instead of the Balanced flow of Energy, we experience stress. Together these two Effects create the feeling of Fear in our heart. This feeling signifies that our rate of progression toward the obtainment of our Desire is too fast. 
When our Specific Process is Imbalanced to the Northeast of our General, we experience too much Peace and too little Energy. We feel stuffed and bored. Together these two Effects create the feeling of Depression in our heart. When we don’t sacrifice at the level we’re capable we feel useless and of little value to our Cause and our Children. This feeling signifies that our rate of progression towards the obtainment of our Desire is too slow.

The Effects we receive from Specific Causes can be Balanced or Imbalanced with our General. If they are Balanced they echo and reinforce our General Cause’s Effects. If they are Imbalanced, they serve as Adversity and Temptation.

If our Process is Balanced and Specific Causes treat us as if it were Imbalanced, we experience Adversity. This is the kind of Adversity we need to hold steadfast against. If our Process is Imbalanced and Specific Causes treat us as if it were Balanced, we experience Temptation. We are tempted to hold steadfast in an Imbalanced Process, which will end us in Chronic Conflict.

Balanced vs. Imbalanced Results
Balanced Specific Results are Sustainable Results. They are sustainable because we find Joy in our Specific Faith and Sacrifice Process. We want to continue in those Processes. They are what bring us the Joy. They become a habit, a talent, or an ability. When we obtain Balanced Results we are satisfied with our Rate of Progression. Our movement is upward and towards Desire Obtainment.

The Knowledge of our General Cause’s Effects gives us freedom from Conflicting Causes and their Effects. When we value our General Cause's Effects above Specific Effects, we have the strength to remain consistent in our DOP despite Conflicting Specific Effects. Our God supports us. No one has the power to stop us from obtaining Sustainable Joy or the Specific Results he has instructed us to work to obtain. 

When we engage in a Northwest DOP, we experience increasing stress and fear over time. Our motivation to continue decreases. We can’t wait until the Process is over. We're looking forward to the day we can stop Sacrificing. Because our Sacrifice Process needs to remain sustainable in the Result, a Northwest DOP is only going to end in a Northeast DOP. In a Balanced DOP, it is the continuous and increasing Effects of Joy in combination with the mastery of the DOP that reduces the discomfort of our Sacrifice over time.

When we engage in a Northeast DOP, we experience increasing boredom and depression over time. Our motivation to continue decreases. We want to find a more intense Desire, a higher level Cause to follow, or something more challenging to do. Continuous Northeast DOPs end in our compensating with Northwest DOPs as a Resolution Process.

When we continuously swing back and forth between Northwest and Northeast DOPs, our movement is like a pendulum. We don't progress in our journey. We don’t develop good habits, talents, or abilities. Continuous Northwest Desire Obtainment Processes (DOPs) end in injury, which forces us to engage in Northeast DOPs. Continuous Northeast DOPs end in atrophy, which makes DOPs which used to be easy (NE), very difficult (NW). In order to maintain a NW DOP we have to compensate with a NE DOP and vice versa. In the Result, we end in both injury and atrophy. We are not able to continue in some Sacrifice Processes and find others increasing difficult. We Fear to engage in certain ones and are apathetic about engaging in others. The Result is continuous procrastination or total avoidance. We don’t know about Balanced Processing. We just think that we need to avoid any level of Sacrifice. This prevents us from progressing towards Sustainable Results. We remain in Chronic Conflict. 

We are effective Servants when we find the Balance. If we continuously Process in Balance, we obtain Results. We can be a Cause for others when we have obtained both General and Specific Results. If we Desire to be Servants, we need to choose Balanced Desires, Causes, and Processes.