Definition of Level 2 Result

What are the most General Results?

This question is asking you:

Which of all the Results is the most important to you? Your relationship with your Cause, your lifestyle (Process), your Effects, or your relationship with your Specific Person?

For the Day 1 Result Question, you were asked to identify at least three Results (variables) that you wanted to see improved in your relationship. For the Day 2 Result Question, you are being asked to identify the most General Result that is the most important to you in this specific relationship given the fact that you Desire this relationship to be a Compatible Relationship. This is a General Result you’re not willing to give up for anything else. You won’t sacrifice it for any of the other Results. When you choose this Result as your number one priority then the other Results are defined by it. They are dependent upon your choice. It goes like this:

If you choose for your Desire a Compatible Relationship and your Cause, then PE are independent variables that need to be experimented upon in order to maintain or change the dependent variable.

If you choose for your Desire a Compatible Relationship and your Process, then CE are independent variables that need to be experimented upon in order to maintain or change the dependent variable.

If you choose for your Desire a Compatible Relationship and your Effects, then CP are independent variables that need to be experimented upon in order to maintain or change the dependent variable. 

If you choose for your Desire a Compatible Relationship and a Specific Person, then CPE are independent variables that need to be experimented upon in order to maintain or change the dependent variable.

Here’s what that means:

Your Cause is your General Result If you choose for your Desire a Compatible Relationship and your Cause, then you need to engage in the Process they exemplify and prescribe. You need to allow them to train you as you develop your ability to engage in their Process in your relationship over time. You will experience their level of Effects. The Specific Person in your relationship has to have the same Cause as you do, be willing to engage in their Process, and be satisfied with the Effects he experiences.
Your main tasks:  
1. Identify your Cause’s Process and/or be personally trained by your Cause to develop their knowledge level, values, beliefs, and relationship skills.
2. Discover if your Specific Person is willing to choose your Cause, engage in their training Process, and is satisfied with the Effects. 
3. To assess progress towards your Desire for a Compatible Relationship: Track your knowledge level, values, beliefs, and relationship skills compared to your Cause’s over time. 

Your Process is your General Result If you choose for your Desire a Compatible Relationship and your Process, then you need to find a Cause who has the same values as you do and who prescribes the Process you want to consistently engage in. You will experience the level of Effects that comes with this Process. The Specific Person in your relationship has to have the same Cause and Process as you do and be satisfied with the level of Effects he experiences.
Your main tasks:
1. Identify like-minded people (Cause) that advocate and support you in your Process
2. Discover if your Specific Person is willing to advocate and support you in your Process as well as engage in it himself. 
3. To assess progress towards your Desire for a Compatible Relationship: Track the number of like-minded people that advocate and support you in your Process as well as the amount of time they continue to fulfill this role; also track if your Specific Person continues to advocate and support you in your Process, and how much time passes.

Your Effect is your General Result If you choose for your Desire a Compatible Relationship and the Effects you experience, then you need to find a Cause with which, when you evaluate their relationship and Process, you experience these Effects. You then need to allow them to train you as you develop your ability to engage in their Process in your relationship over time. Your Specific Person also has to also desire these Effects (is he as motivated as you are?) and be willing to follow this Cause and Process.
Your main tasks:
1. Identify a Cause who exemplifies the relationship that returns the level of Effects you desire to experience.
2. Allow that Cause to train you in his Process
3. Discover if your Specific Person also desires the level of Effects you do, is willing to choose your level of Cause, and be trained in their level of Process
4. To assess progress towards your Desire for a Compatible Relationship: Track the level of Effects you experience compared to your desired level of Effects; track your knowledge, values, beliefs, and relationship skills compared to your Cause’s over time; track the how the development of your knowledge level and these values, beliefs, and skills change your Effects.

Your Specific Person is your General Result If you choose for your Desire a Compatible Relationship and your Specific Person, then you need to follow his Cause and Process. You’re basically choosing him to be your Cause. You need to be satisfied with the level of Effects you experience when you consistently engage in his Process. 
Your main tasks:
1. Learn more about your Specific Person – his values, beliefs, ideas, ways of doing things
2. Allow your Specific Person to train you in his Process
3. If you are not satisfied with the level of Effects you experience, adjust your expectations because you’re in for the long hall.
4. To assess progress towards your Desire for a Compatible Relationship: Track your knowledge level, values, beliefs, and relationship skills compared to your Specific Person’s.

If you’re both willing to compromise with each other on the choice of your General Result, then you both need to make up your minds on which Result is most important to you.

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