Definition of Process

Journey, Pathway, Route
Procedure, Technique, Strategy, Steps, Plan
Communicate, Interact, Think
Sacrifice, Work, Serve, Act

Short Definitions
Engaging in a course of action to achieve a specified result
Traveling from one place to another
Working to change and develop self, something, or someone else
Moving from a starting point to a destination
Carrying out a particular task
Acting to achieve a major or overall aim
Dealing with or achieving a particular thing
Progressing in stages
Doing something
Sharing or exchanging news, ideas, or resources
Influencing another person or variable
Reciprocal action between two people or variables
Surrendering something of value for the sake of obtaining something of greater value
Strategically giving up something of value for the sake of obtaining something of greater value
Exerting oneself mentally or physically to achieve a purpose or result
Obeying laws in order to bring about a specific result

Summarized Definition
A long, gradual, and often difficult journey taken by two or more individuals to achieve a specified Result, involving the sacrifice of lower level values for higher level values, which are incrementally deduced from experience and observation. 

In the diagram the Desire Obtainment Process is represented by the line connecting Points A & B. In order to develop a compatible relationship like our Cause (yellow points), we need to identify, learn, and implement certain strategies that are prescribed by him (yellow lines). We are required to replace certain Processes we are presently engaged in that keep us at Points A with new Processes that enable us to travel to Point B and remain there. 

Others have also identified this concept and have used their talents to write about it, describe it, sing about it, or depict it. Each gives evidence of the importance of understanding this concept in order to develop Compatible Relationships. Select the Example link above to check this evidence out.

Expanded Description
When it becomes available, select the link above to research the Process concept in greater depth.

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