Definition of Level 3 Process

Are your Processes Balanced?

This question is asking you: 

Are your values in regards to marriage, family, and community relationships in agreement with your Specific Person’s values? Are your credos compatible? Is the way you communicate and interact in harmony with how he does? Are your ethics in alignment with each other’s? Are your codes of behavior in accordance? Are your statements of beliefs synonymous? Are your ideologies concerning marriage, parenthood, family, or community balanced with each other? Do you have similar principles that you govern your actions by? Is there a consensus between you on your philosophies about marriage, family, and community relationships? Do you belong to and live by the same religion? 


Do you disagree on your values in regards to marriage, family, and community relationships? Are your credos incompatible? Is the way you communicate and interact discordant with how he does? Are your ethics out of alignment with each other’s? Do your codes of behavior clash? Are your statements of beliefs in opposition with each other’s? Are your ideologies concerning marriage, parenthood, family, or community imbalanced with each other? Do you have conflicting principles that you govern your actions by? Do your philosophies about marriage, family, and community relationships contradict with his? Do you belong to and live by conflicting religions? 

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