Level 2 Cause Guided Research

General & Specific Causes

Name for your General Cause
The first step is to identify the overall authority that you believe knows about how to develop compatible relationships. There are lots of people willing to share their opinions and ideas about how to do it. Many of them are conflicting. So to what authority do you go to validate your specific sources? Where do you look for guidance in navigating all of these opinions? Who stands in that standard position by which you measure all of these other voices? Name this person. (Do all your research in your notebook.)

Synonyms for your General Cause
Now that you have a name for your General Cause, the next step is to list some synonyms that describe his roles. Does he have any titles, other roles he plays, or other names that describe him or by which he is known?

Short Definition
The third step is to write down the main Desire of your General Cause in regards to his role in helping people develop compatible relationships. Why does he want to help people? What are his motives? It's important to be succinct. If you're like me, you need to get messy with your research notes first and then come back and summarize the key points here. Or, if your mind is more summarized, a short definition may easily roll off the tip of your tongue. You can do these steps in the order that works best for you.

The fourth step is to create a diagram of the relationship your General Cause has with people who want to develop compatible relationships. I have created a diagram that illustrates the relationship I believe my General Cause has with me in Day 1*. You can use that diagram if you agree with it or create your own.

*To review this diagram, select Definition of Cause from the far right (bottom of the top) menu OR scroll down this page.

Expanded Description
The fifth step: Look up some articles, read some books, talk to some people who have studied this cause, listen to some music, view some art that depicts him, and take notes on what you find as well as the thoughts that come to your mind. Then write your own expanded description of the Desires or motives your General Cause has for helping people develop compatible relationships, using quotes, references, images (more diagrams), metaphors, and links. You can make this as long or as short as you want. Just make sure you are satisfied with your understanding of your General Cause's motives for helping you in your quest to obtain a compatible relationship.

Names of your Specific Causes
You may have more than one Cause you have been relying upon or to whom you are subject. Deal with one at a time and as different Causes if they conflict with one another. If you think they are on the same general team, then group them into one Cause and list all of their names together.

Under each Cause's name(s) write some words or short phrases to describe his Desire or goal for your relationship with your Specific Person. 

Short Definition
Write down the Desire or goal each Cause has for your relationship. What kind of relationship does he want yours to be? A compatible relationship as you have defined it in your notebook or something else? Again, it's important to be succinct here. You might work on the Expanded Description first and then come back to this one.

Create a diagram of your specific relationship with this person as well as the relationship he has with your Specific Person and with your General Cause. You might want to use the General Cause diagram you created and add any details you desire. See my example in Figure 8.

Expanded Description
Many Specific Causes have a website in which they describe their goals for the people they desire to help. If your Cause has one, read it and take notes. Some Specific Causes have written books. If your Cause does, read it, searching for a description of the destination he wants to help you bring your relationship. If you can meet with him directly and respectfully ask him these questions, do it. When you're finished, write your own expanded description of what you believe your Specific Cause's underlying goal is for your relationship with your Specific Person. Is it to develop a compatible relationship or is it something else? If it is a compatible relationship, what does he envision this to be? This is a good place to use quotes, references, images, metaphors, and links.

Back to Level 2 Cause question: Select Research Cause from the menu to the right (top - second).